Website Accessibility Checklist

Website Accessibility Checklist

Make Sure Your Site is ADA Compliant

Ensuring your website is accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities, is not just a legal requirement under the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) but also an essential practice for creating an inclusive online environment. Here is a comprehensive checklist to help you make your website more accessible:

1. Alt Text

Why It Matters: Alt text (alternative text) describes images for those who use screen readers due to visual impairments.


2. Color Contrast

Why It Matters: Adequate color contrast ensures that text is readable for users with visual impairments, including color blindness.


3. Skip to Main Content Button

Why It Matters: This feature allows users with screen readers or keyboard navigation to bypass repetitive navigation links and go directly to the main content.


4. Heading Hierarchy

Why It Matters: A proper heading structure helps screen readers understand the content's organization and improves navigation.


5. ARIA for Form Fields

Why It Matters: ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) attributes improve the accessibility of dynamic content and complex user interfaces. These relay information to screen-readers that get passed along to the user.


6. ARIA for Links Opening New Tabs

Why It Matters: Informing users that a link will open in a new tab or window helps prevent confusion and improves the user experience.


7. Keyboard Navigation with Highlighted Focus

Why It Matters: Users with mobility impairments often rely on keyboard navigation to interact with web content.


By following this checklist, you can significantly enhance your website's accessibility, ensuring it is usable for all visitors, including those with disabilities. Not only does this align with ADA compliance, but it also promotes a more inclusive digital environment.

Owners Natalie & Lindsey - Before applying AI.Owners Natalie & Lindsey - After AI helped us remove the window from from the left edge of the photo.